Special Education and Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)
Our school provides all students with a free an appropriate education in the least restrictive environment that will allow students (individuals and classrooms) to learn and succeed.
What is an IEP?
An IEP is an individualized education program. An IEP is a written document that is developed for each public school child who is eligible to receive special education/services. The IEP is created by a team effort - a collaboration between the family and school professionals. The IEP is reviewed at least once per year in a meeting with the family and school professionals.
Does my child need an IEP?
If you child is struggling in school, if your child finds certain skills too challenging, or if teachers have expressed concern about your child's academic or social-emotional development, then your child may find more success with the support of special education or special services. Please speak with your student's teachers about her/his academic growth. Together, we may find that assessing your student to be the appropriate course of action. Assessment is the first step in determining your child's need for specialized supports. After assessment, a meeting can take place to determine the best path for the student.
What types of special education are available at Queens Collegiate?
Families with students who have Individualized Education Plans will meet every year with school team to check in on student growth, set appropriate goals, and decide what may need to be updated or changed in a student's plan.
Some common types of special education settings appear below:
ICT (Integrated Co-Teaching): The ICT setting is a general education classroom with age-appropriate peers. ICT looks like one content teacher and one learning specialist teaching in the same room. ICT allows access the general education curriculum and specially designed instruction to meet students' needs.
15:1 (Fifteen-to-one): This setting can have up to 15 students with one teacher and one classroom aide. This classroom is designed to work with students whose management needs are highly intensive and require a high degree of individualized attention and intervention.
12:1 (Twelve-to-one): This setting can have up to 12 students with one teacher and one classroom aide. This classroom is designed to work with students whose management needs are highly intensive and require a high degree of individualized attention and intervention.
What other special services does QC offer for my child's special needs?
Some examples of other special services for students that can be arranged by our school include, but are not limited to: speech therapy, note-taker, instructional materials in other formats (e.g., Braille or large print), special seating arrangements, reader for tests, paraprofessional support, and a behavior management plan.
Whom can I speak with at Queens Collegiate about special education services or an IEP for my child?
Families that need to discuss special education services at our school may contact our Special Education Coordinator, Ms. Ciarniello. Email: MsCiarniello@queenscollegiate.org
How can I learn more about special education or IEPs in NYC?
This link (click here) will take you to the NYC Department of Education website. On the DOE website, you can find much more information about special education throughout the city. This information is in many languages.