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Lunch Forms (Required Document)
Complete your child's lunch form! You can complete the application online at this website. This link opens in a new tab. QC is in district 28 of New York City Schools. You can also complete the application on paper at the school.
If you need help with the lunch form, you can call our school at 718-658-4016 or email our parent coordinator Mr. Erskine at and someone will assist you.
How does the lunch form help the school?
Queens Collegiate is a Title I school. This means that we receive money from government to serve low income students. The amount of money we receive from the Federal government directly depends on the number of students we have enrolled in free or reduced lunch programs.
This also means that if parents/guardians just don't fill out the lunch form, then our school will NOT receive money from the Federal government, even though we depend on that money to educate our students.
Please! Help us support all of our students by completing your child's lunch form.
Other Required Form:
Please also complete this form as soon as possible. This will give us vital information for contacting you during the school year.
This form must be completed for each child at Queens Collegiate.
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