Important Information and FAQ
(Frequently Asked Questions)
When does school start and what is the daily school schedule?
School starts Thursday, September 8, at 8:10 a.m. and ends for all students at 3:00 p.m. each day of the week except on early release Wednesdays (with a 1:30 p.m. early release time). It is very important that your student is in attendance on day one and two and receives all pertinent information that will be sent home. Students are welcome to have breakfast in our cafeteria every day starting at 7:45 a.m.
What does my student need on the first day of school?
Please make sure to send back all emergency contact information (the blue card attached to this year's back-to-school mailing), complete your child’s lunch form (link opens in a new window). A basic school supplies list is provided below.
Your student will only need to come to school with basic school supplies to start the year. This includes a binder (1 inch binder or larger) with loose-leaf filler paper, pens and pencils. High school students will need notebooks for 3 subjects (For example one 3 subject notebook or three one subject notebooks). Middle school students will need notebooks with space for 7 subjects (For example, one 5-subject notebook and two one subject notebooks). Families will have ample time to procure additional supplies if they are needed.
What is my student’s schedule?
Students will receive their daily schedules on the first day of school when they arrive on campus.
What is happening on Day One?
All students will report to Queens Collegiate on Thursday, September 8. Staff will be positioned outside by the flagpole to greet students and answer any questions. Students are invited to arrive as early as 7:45 for breakfast or to pick up their program. First period begins at 8:10 am.
Please give your student sufficient time to get through scanning, especially on the first day. If you choose to drop your student off by car in the morning, please do not park on Gothic Drive. It is tight in the mornings, especially with the buses coming to drop off students.
Is after-school available for my middle school student?
Yes. We continue to partner with Queens Community House to provide structured after-school activities for students in grades 6-8. Much of the application process is online; please see the program's flyer on our webpage or included in this year's back-to-school mailing or on our Queens Community House page under Student Life. We will also have paper applications for pick-up in our main office. Families can reach out to QCH through email (queenscollegiate@qchnyc.org) or phone (718-739-5942, ext. 1381).
Grade 6 students living in some areas can take the yellow bus to school. How can I request the yellow bus? 🚌
All students who live more than one mile from the school are eligible for a Metrocard to use NYC public buses and subways. Grade 6 families may also apply for the yellow school bus instead of getting a Metrocard. If you do not request yellow bus transportation, then your child will be given a Metrocard during the first week of school. (Grade 7 and 8 students are only eligible for Metrocards.)
If you are interested in having your student take the yellow school bus, enter your information in the following form and choose one of the available bus stops. Click on this link to access the Google Form (opens in a new window). Once you select your stop, please write down the bus stop and route number information so you can identify your bus when it comes.
All 6th grade families should arrange to provide transportation to and from school for your child for the first few days of school while the bus routes are being finalized. If the yellow bus does not arrive for pick-up at your bus stop in the morning, please call the Office of Pupil Transportation to inquire about your bus route at (718) 392-8855. If you have difficulty accessing this form or need other assistance with the yellow bus, please email msdana@queenscollegiate.org.
Will there be sports (PSAL) for high school students this year?
Yes. However, all students taking part in ‘high-risk sports’ this year are required to be vaccinated. These sports are football, volleyball, basketball, wrestling, lacrosse, stunt, and rugby. Vaccination is also required for bowling, since athletes are required to participate indoors. You can find additional information about PSAL at schools.nyc.gov/PSAL.
Does my student need to have the COVID vaccine to attend school?
No. DOE and Queens Collegiate strongly recommend that all eligible students get vaccinated. For more information on COVID vaccines in New York City, families can make appointments at vaccinefinder.nyc.gov or by calling 877-829-4692.
Contact Us
Should you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us! As noted, Mr. Alexis is your primary contact at the start of the school year. He can be reached at mralexis@queenscollegiate.org or 929-214-9259.
For regular updates, until we fully have you in our email system, please check our website queenscollegiate.org regularly.